For the Festival of Flowers all of my class had to make a flower poem. It took me a long time to finish so here its 😃🤩
I am a Year 6 ākonga/student in the Uru Mānuka Cluster. My kaiko/teacher is Whaea Miki. This is a place where I will share my learning. Please note that some of it will not be complete, it will be my first drafts. Remember to be positive, thoughtful, and helpful when you leave me a comment.
Friday, October 30, 2020
Friday, October 23, 2020
Today was the last day of swimming at Canterbury Swim School. My swim teachers name is Sam. Sam taught me how to do backstroke.We had to keep our arms straight and do arm circles.We had to do 3 to 4 lengths of the deep pool.We had to help each other get out of the deep end of the pool. I had a lot of fun and I got to jump off the diving board!!! Here are some pictures of the last two weeks at Canterbury Swim School.
Friday, October 16, 2020
Description Writing
For the last week we have been writing some Description Writing about a picture of a beach. Here is mine.
The water stands as still as a statue. I can feel the breeze blowing against my face.The palm tree waves to me as I walk along the peaceful beach. I hear a little wave crash against the smooth, soft sand. I look at the beautiful water. People run into the water and little kids hold ice creams. The sound of babies crying echoed through my ears.